Get your song pitch perfect with the SongTuner

Is your song ready to be heard by publishers, producers and major label A&R reps? Pitch your song and have it heard by music industry professionals directly connected to the artists and labels in Nashville.

Get an honest, unbiased opinion on your song’s strengths and weaknesses.

Receive detailed suggestions on how to improve your song to make it more commercially viable.

Learn how to write and then re-write your song like a pro.

Coaching + Evaluations​

Not ready to send your song to a music pro yet? Before you spend hundreds of dollars on a professional demo, make sure your songs are up to industry standards. Save money and take the time to have your song evaluated by an established hit songwriter.

Events + Pitch Promotions

Learn about the music industry by attending town halls hosted by The SongTuner and pitch your next big hit to the pros during The SongTuner's pitch promotions.

Who Is The SongTuner?

sandy ramos song tuner nashville

Sandy Ramos is The SongTuner. Her songs have appeared on over 25 million CDs, having been recorded by top artists including the Chicks (formerly the Dixie Chicks), Faith Hill, Lee Greenwood, Neal McCoy, Anne Murray, Kenny Rogers and many other major artists. Sandy has received multiple ASCAP writer and publisher awards as well as a Billboard Top 5 and 10 hits. She also has a No. 1 hit with ‘I Brake for Brunettes’ recorded by Rhett Akins.

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